Red Hot Blades for Midsummer Walleyes
Riggers, jiggers, crankers, and bladers, all nicknames for
anglers who use a particular method in pursuitof the elusive
walleye. The most successful fisherman have become adept at
applying all of th aforementioned techniques. While all methods
can produce all year long; they’re not always the most
productive method for that particular moment. Being able to
read the conditions and adjusting your presentation can keep
you on the fish. Good “bladders” have learned
that one of the most consistent producers across the country
has been a spinner and live bait combination. Spinners are
designed to add flash and vibration to live bait like crawlers,
leeches, and minnows. Flash and vibration is delivered by
a revolving blade at the front of the bait. Different blade
shapes and sizes can vary the amount of vibration produced
and they can also add a splash of color. Northland Tackle’s
new Rock’n Rainbow Spinner comes with a new level of
vibration and has an erratic and kind of crazy action that
can drive walleyes nuts and is something they haven’t
seen before. It’s available in some great colors a and
comes with a one or two hook harness. The standard spinner
comes tied with a pre-determined leader length, and can restrict
its use. The Rock’n Rainbow has a short length of leader
that holds the main body of the bait together and has no extended
leader. Leader length is determined by the user which allows
you the flexibility to adjust the length for each set of conditions.
One of the most common uses for a spinner employs the use
of a bottom bouncer and a three or four foot snell. Popularized
on the western reservoirs; bottom bouncers have allowed anglers
to troll spinners through some pretty tough neighborhoods
including rock, timber, and certain weeds. The wire tip of
a bouncer keeps the bait elevated in the “zone”
and out of the junk when used properly. The proper use includes
keeping the bouncer as straight up and down as possible. If
you get past a 45 degree angle on the line you have out to
stay with the bottom the bouncer is going to lay down and
lose all of it’s snag resistant properties. If you need
the speed to trigger the fish you’re after it’s
best to go up in bouncer size to keep it all under control
and might mean using one as heavy as three or four ounces.
The depth and speed you are trolling will determine the size
bouncer that is required and the key is to go as light as
you can while keeping the line as straight up and down as

Ron Anlauf used his best “go to” technique
to nail this big summer walleye |
Another method for trolling spinners
while targeting open water fish incorporates an in-line
keel sinker. When using in-line weights you can use
up to a six or eight foot snell, to keep the weight
as far from the bait as possible and out of the picture.
To adjust the running depth anglers can either vary
the sizeweight they’re using or vary the amount
of line out. Hanging on to a trolling rod all day can
be tough on the body and a set of rod holders can make
the chore much easier, but don’t get lazy. Good
fishermen like to keep a rod in their hands for a couple
of reasons; the first being the feel. If you’re
hanging on you can tell if you’re getting hit
and missed and know it right a way, which allows for
quick bait replacement. It also allows you to set the
hooks on the strike which can increase your strike to
fish landed ratio.
The second reason is the ability to add some extra action.
Instead of just pulling the bait along at trolling speed you’ll
get more hits by pumping the rod forward and quickly dropping
it back. The result is an erratic flash and flutter presentation
that can help trigger the followers and the mildly interested.
Good spinner gear includes longer bait casting rods like St.
Croix’s model TWC70MM Light Bouncer model with a medium
sized reel loaded with eight or ten pound test Berkley Fireline.
Fireline provides excellent feel and the super thin diameter
will allow you to get away with using lighter bouncers. The
combination of a high quality rod along with the braid will
allow you to stay on top of your bouncers position and in
complete control. While spinners are one of the most consistent
walleye producers year in and year out, they do have their
time and place. For example; they really don’t come
into their own until the water temps reach into the mid to
upper fifties. However, when the time is right spinners can
be the best thing going. When early season presentations start
to fade like rigging and jigging, look for spinners to really
pick up. They are also an effective method for covering lots
of water. When looking for fish traditional rigging and jigging
methods prove to be much too slow. Spinner speed can let you
cover a lot more water by the end of the day and is the secret
to actually finding fish. See you on the water.
Ron Anlauf