Long Line Trolling
By Sam Anderson
As I motored my
190 out onto the flats of Mille Lacs I noticed numerous boats anchored
or back trolling along the drop-off areas. This isn't a bad approach and
many times I look for the edges to find active walleyes. The trouble was
most of the boats were not catching fish only sitting on drop-off areas
hoping to get the occasional fish that would move up on top of the flats
to feed.
I decided that instead of joining the rest of the fisherman that I would
try some long line trolling for walleyes. The first pattern was to
see if any fish were present on top of the flat. A couple of quick back
trolling runs across the 6-10 foot areas produced a couple of fish. I knew
that the fish were present but probably spooky with all the pressure from
other fisherman. The key was a slow and silent approach to my presentation.
The outboard was shut off and the
trolling motor was lowered into the water. I replaced my terminal
tackle from walking sinkers and spinners to a single hook and split shot
with a #8 hook. The hook was baited with a night crawler and allowed to
dangle so that the tail of the night crawler could float off the bottom.
I released about 45 yards of line and I back trolled, back and forth, with
this long-line presentation. The long line reduces feel but allows time
for the boat to pass overhead and for the spooked walleyes to regroup.
When the boat finally passes by the fish, they hit it with a subtle gentle
tug, rather than smashing the bait. A couple of hours of fishing
produced 24 eating size walleyes up to 2 1/2 pounds, nothing fantastic,
but I had my limit and the other fisherman were still sitting on the drop-off
areas. Long-line trolling is very effective method to use on summertime
walleyes. Not only can you use live bait, but crank bait fishing
is very productive during the summer months as well. To many anglers
trolling means tossing out a crank bait, throwing the rod in a holder,
then sitting back and soaking up the sun.
Trolling success usually depends on how well you fine-tune your presentation.
Simple things that will help you trigger fish might be pumping your rod,
or allowing your crank bait to stunt. Pumping a trolling rod is not
a new technique. In fact, it's likely you have been using the method for
years. The trick is doing it right. I have found, through experience
that you should sweep your rod in a 30 degree arc with a pause at the end.
The lure speeds up through the sweep and triggers the fish that there is
an escaping prey. Although more strikes might occur as the rod is returned
to the original position because it is at the end of the fall. The
stunting that you might want to try is to use a deep lip crank bait like
a deep diving
Thunder Stick and troll this in an area that has a soft bottom like mud
or sand. The long bill will dive deep and stunt into the soft bottom. This
will cause an erratic motion to the fish, plus stir up the bottom and fish
will move in to investigate. Again, the pause surge pause motion
of your rod will encourage more strikes than just trolling with a dead
rod. If you happen to be on a weedy lake and the weeds are emerging try
long-line trolling on top of the weeds with live bait on small lipl ess
crank baits, just ticking the weed tops. Anyway you try this approach it
will probably produce more fish than the guy sitting and waiting for his
bobber to go down. Allow yourself to experiment and use long-line trolling
summer to give you an edge, a walleye fishing edge.

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