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report from Devils Lake on Walleyes Inc. Your one stop internet
fishing source. Last Update
June 14, 2009
Ya, I know - huge!
At the 5 am alarm it never entered my mind. When it comes
to fishing, wind is your friend. Today we find out if this
is true. The early morning trip over to Devils Lake was easy
on the mileage with 20 mph plus pushing the mini-van east
to Devils Lake. The plan was to hit the water in search of
above average northern, something I know nothing about when
it comes to Devils Lake. I stopped for the morning radio report
with Phil and Jason and then it was off to Ed’s bait
to meet Boyd who is my big fish guide for the day.
Wind has the lake in an uproar so as Boyd and I discussed
earlier plan B was to shore fish the Devils Lake area. Again,
something I know very little about. That is soon to change!
First stop is a bridge that does not look all that impressive.
Lots of current, in fact my guess would be too much current
and by no means a big drainage. I’m getting rigged up
while being constantly interrupted by two other fishermen
who were already at the bridge as we pulled up. They are getting
a fish every single cast! By the time I get a jig tied on
Boyd has his first fish, a Devils Lake White Bass. OK, what
is priority here the camera or getting this jig tied. After
a few pictures it’s back to the reason I’m here.
First cast, first fish, why can’t it always be this
Ten to fifteen bass later we are back in the truck and off
to the next bridge. Boyd is always first in and again rewarded
with first fish. I may be slow but I’m consistent. First
cast and –yep, White Bass. A guy could get to liking
this. It’s not just first cast it is almost every cast!
With fast water you need to read the current and look for
the break. Drop a jig in and just like a mathematical formula,
same results every time. Fish. While I like a challenge I
have to admit I really like easy fishing.
Within twenty minutes we are back in the truck on the way
to a northern location. Best spot of the day and I didn’t
even put in a line. A retirement party is in full swing with
lures being tossed around that date back to my fishing days
as a kid, prime material for the Antique Road Show. Tackle
boxes are opened wide for easy access and it looks like the
5 of diamonds is still in fashion with stringers of northern
as proof. I had as much fun here as at any of the stops. Landing
a fish does more than fill the frying pan. It fills our hearts.
I left this bridge with a full tank.
Every lake has a personality and Devils Lake likes jigs and
tails. Don’t seem to matter much what kind, some work
better at times than others. Just make sure you have an assortment.
We used heavy jigs because of the current, up to ½
once. A leader may be a good idea if you don’t like
feeding lead to the northern. This is fishing at its simplest.
There is no better place to teach kids the basics like casting,
jigging and setting the hook. Opportunity is nearly every
I normally pass on a GPS location but this week I’m
forwarding a tip that will be more helpful. Get on Google
Earth and do an aerial survey of Devils Lake. Start 20 miles
west at Minnewauken and work 20 miles north of Hwy 2. Head
east of the town of Devils Lake for yet another 20 miles.
Ya, I know - huge! Unbelievable opportunity. Look for drainages
going into and out of the lake. Find the bridges, make a map
and you’re ready for action.
We put up with 20 mph winds all day and I hardly noticed.
Six bridges and all but one gave me a fish on the first cast.
No bridge left us without fish. I’m reminded, when it
comes to fishing wind is your friend. This is a family vacation
waiting to happen. Fishing does not get easier, cheaper or
better. Kids under 16 don’t need a license here in ND.
Jigs and tails are cheap and live bait is not necessary. Have
a garage sale, pack the mini-van with lawn chairs and the
BBQ, take vacation days, call in sick, do whatever it takes
but get over here while the bite is hot. Fill your cooler
and your heart.
For instant reports and pictures of fish as they are caught
join me on Twitter
Google Earth GPS locations and audio reports go to :
Greg is a ND Fishing Guide and can be contacted at: 701-720-0447
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