The fishing Rod System for The next Millenium
Get it up off the Deck . Thats what Hall
of Fame Angler
Gary Roach said. We responded by designing the absolute
tallest rod holder system in the buisness.
This provides more clearance
for fast rod removal.
After more than three years of competitive use
of the original
R-A-M Rod Fishing Rod Holders by professionals,
N.P.I. is proud to introduce the new R-A-M- Rod 2000 Fishing
Rod Holder System.
Pro's that used the previous version of the famous
R-A-M Rod told us what they liked best and along with our trained
engineers, we added many features and now have created what
we believe to be the absolute best fishing rod holder system
on the market to date bar none!
Forget about reaching out over the boat, grabbing the front
of the rod and wrestling the entire length of the butt out.
Say's In-Fisherman Professional Walleye Trail Pro and World
Champion Mark Martin. With the R-A-M Rod 2000 you simply
push down on the butt of the rod and slide it out. It's
so simple and fast that the only ones that don't want to be
hooked on R-A-M are the fish and you guy's won't give them the
Simple and Fast!!!!
Step 1
Grab Rod Butt |
Step 2
Push Rod butt Down |
Step 3
Slide Rod Forward |
Step 4
Play your Fish |
Gary Roach "Mr. Walleye" say's The R-A-M Rod 2000 was designed
for fast easy installation. Not only is it compatible
and a straight drop in replacement for Fish-On, Attwood, Roberts,
Scotty and Tite-Lock rod holders. You can purchase it
as complete units or individual mounting bases for Side, Deck,
Rail or Flush mount so they can be installed in minutes. You
won't find an easier to use, durable and completely adjustable
rod holder on the market
Rail Mount
Flush Mount
Side Mount
Deck Mount
Fast installations No need to drill new holes,
simply drop the rod holder in an existing base or remove their
base and install the R-A-M Rod 2000 system. To order this hot
product online from Walleyes Inc. click
here |